Microsoft - Writing Queries Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Transact-SQL



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Klassrum / Uppkopplad / Hybrid

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24/6/2024 (Måndag)

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Vårt accelererade Microsoft - Writing Queries Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Transact-SQL kurs- erbjuder det snabbaste och mest kostnadseffektiva sättet att uppnå önskad kunskap.

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Our T-SQL course is the most effective and efficient way to provide you with the technical skills required to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

During this two-day course you will be trained using the following Micosoft Official Curriculum:

  • MOC 2778A: Writing Queries Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Transact-SQL

The course covers the following content:

Module One: Getting Started with Databases and Transact-SQL in SQL Server 2008

The student will be introduced to how client / server architecture works, and examine the various database and business tasks that can be performed by using the components of SQL Server 2008. The student will also be introduced to SQL Server database concepts such as relational databases, normalization, and database objects. In addition, the student will learn how to use T-SQL to query databases and generate reports.


  • Overview of SQL Server 2008
  • Overview of SQL Server Databases
  • Overview and Syntax Elements of T-SQL
  • Working with T-SQL Scripts
  • Using T-SQL Querying Tools

Lab: Using SQL Server Management Studio and SQLCMD

  • Exploring the Components and Executing Queries in SQL Server Management Studio
  • Starting and Using SQLCMD
  • Generating a Report from a SQL Server Database Using Microsoft Office Excel

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the architecture and components of SQL Server 2008
  • Describe the structure of a SQL Server database
  • Explain the basics of the SQL language
  • Describe the syntax elements of T-SQL
  • Explain how to manage T-SQL scripts
  • Use T-SQL querying tools to query SQL Server 2008 databases

Module Two: Querying and Filtering Data

The students will be introduced to the basic Transact-SQL (T-SQL) statements that are used for writing queries, filtering data, and formatting result sets.


  • Using the SELECT Statement
  • Filtering Data
  • Working with NULL Values
  • Formatting Result Sets
  • Performance Considerations for Writing Queries

Lab: Querying and Filtering Data

  • Retrieving Data by Using the SELECT Statement
  • Filtering Data by Using Different Search Conditions
  • Using Functions to Work with NULL Values
  • Formatting Result Sets

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Retrieve data by using the SELECT statement.
  • Filter data by using different search conditions.
  • Explain how to work with NULL values.
  • Format result sets.
  • Describe the performance considerations that affect data retrieval.

Module Three: Grouping and Summarizing Data

The students will learn to group and summarize data when generating reports in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 by using aggregate functions and the COMPUTE clause


  • Summarizing Data by Using Aggregate Functions
  • Summarizing Grouped Data
  • Ranking Grouped Data
  • Creating Crosstab Queries

Lab: Grouping and Summarizing Data

  • Summarizing Data by Using Aggregate Functions
  • Summarizing Grouped Data
  • Ranking Grouped Data
  • Creating Crosstab Queries

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Summarize data by using aggregate functions.
  • Summarize grouped data by using the GROUP BY and COMPUTE clauses.
  • Rank grouped data.
  • Create cross-tabulation queries by using the PIVOT and UNPIVOT clauses.

Module Four: Joining Data from Multiple Tables

The students will learn to write joins to query multiple tables, as well as limiting and combining result sets.


  • Querying Multiple Tables by Using Joins
  • Applying Joins for Typical Reporting Needs
  • Combining and Limiting Result Set

Lab: Joining Data from Multiple Tables

  • Querying Multiple Tables by Using Joins
  • Applying Joins for Typical Reporting Needs
  • Combining and Limiting Result Sets

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Query multiple tables by using joins.
  • Apply joins for typical reporting needs.
  • Combine and limit result sets.

Module Five: Working with Subqueries

The students will be introduced to basic and correlated subqueries and how these compare with joins and temporary tables. The students will also be introduced to using common table expressions in queries.


  • Writing Basic Subqueries
  • Writing Correlated Subqueries
  • Comparing Subqueries with Joins and Temporary Tables
  • Using Common Table Expressions

Lab: Working with Subqueries

  • Writing Basic Subqueries
  • Writing Correlated Subqueries
  • Comparing Subqueries with Joins and Temporary Tables
  • Using Common Table Expressions

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Write basic subqueries.
  • Write correlated subqueries.
  • Compare subqueries with joins and temporary tables.
  • Use common table expressions in queries.

Module Six: Modifying Data in Tables

The students will be able to modify the data in tables by using the INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements. In addition, students will examine how transactions work in a database, the importance of transaction isolation levels, and how to manage transactions.


  • Inserting Data into Tables
  • Deleting Data from Tables
  • Updating Data in Tables
  • Overview of Transactions

Lab: Modifying Data in Tables

  • Inserting Data into Tables
  • Deleting Data from Tables
  • Updating Data in Tables
  • Working with Transactions

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Insert data into tables.
  • Delete data from tables.
  • Update data in tables.
  • Describe transactions.

Module Seven: Querying Metadata, XML, and Full-Text Indexes

The students will learn to query semi-structured and unstructured data. The students will also learn how SQL Server 2008 handles XML data and will query XML data. The students will also be introduced to full-text indexing in SQL Server 2008.


  • Querying Metadata
  • Overview of XML
  • Querying XML Data
  • Overview of Full-Text Indexes
  • Querying Full-Text Indexes

Lab: Querying Metadata, XML, and Full-Text Indexes

  • Querying Metadata
  • Querying XML Data
  • Creating and Querying Full-Text Indexes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Query metadata.
  • Describe the functionality of XML.
  • Query XML data.
  • Describe the functionality of full-text indexes.
  • Query full-text indexes.

Module Eight: Using Programming Objects for Data Retrieval

The students will be introduced to user-defined functions and executing various kinds of queries by using user-defined functions. The students will be introduced to SQL Server views that encapsulate data and present users with limited and relevant information. In addition, the students will be introduced to SQL Server stored procedures and the functionalities of the various programming objects. The students will learn how to perform distributed queries and how SQL Server works with heterogeneous data such as databases, spreadsheets, and other servers.


  • Overview of Views
  • Overview of User-Defined Functions
  • Overview of Stored Procedures
  • Overview of Triggers
  • Writing Distributed Queries

Lab: Using Programming Objects for Data Retrieval

  • Creating Views
  • Creating User-Defined Functions
  • Creating Stored Procedures
  • Writing Distributed Queries

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Encapsulate queries by using views.
  • Encapsulate expressions by using user-defined functions.
  • Explain how stored procedures encapsulate T-SQL logic.
  • Define triggers, types of triggers, create a trigger.
  • Write distributed queries.

Module Nine: Using Advanced Querying Techniques

The students will be introduced to best practices for querying complex data. The students will also examine how to query complex table structures such as data stored in hierarchies and self-referencing tables. The students will analyze the recommended guidelines for executing queries and how to optimize query performance.


  • Considerations for Querying Data
  • Working with Data Types
  • Cursors and Set-Based Queries
  • Dynamic SQL
  • Maintaining Query Files

Lab: Using Advanced Querying Techniques

  • Using Execution Plans
  • Converting Data Types
  • Implementing a Hierarchy
  • Using Cursors and Set-Based Queries

Här är 8 skäl varför du ska genomföra din T-SQL hos Firebrand Training:

  1. Du blir utbildad på bara 2 dagar. Hos oss får du din utbildning på rekordtid.
  2. Allt är inkluderat. Ett engångsbelopp täcker alla kursmaterial, boende och mat och erbjuder det mest kostnadseffektiva sättet att erhålla din T-SQL kurs på. Och detta utan några oannonserade ytterligare kostnader.
  3. Du lär dig mer.Traditionella utbildningsdagar pågår kl. 09.00-16.00 med långa lunch- och fikapauser. Hos Firebrand Training får du minst 12 timmars effektiv och fokuserad kvalitetsutbildning varje dag tillsammans med din instruktör, utan vare sig privata eller arbetsrelaterade störande moment.
  4. Du lär dig T-SQL snabbare. Vi kombinerar de tre inlärningsmetoderna (Presentation|Övning|Diskussion) så att vi därigenom genomför kursen på ett sätt som säkerställer att du lär dig snabbare och lättare.
  5. Du är i säkra händer.Vi har utbildat och certifierat 134.561 personer, vi är auktoriserad partner med alla de stora namnen i branschen och har dessutom vunnit åtskilliga utmärkelser med bland annat ”Årets Learning Partner 2010, 2011, 2012 och 2013” från Microsoft Danmark och Gazelle priset 2013 - 1. plats för region Själland i Danmark med en tillväxt om 1.430% sedan 2009.
  6. Du lär dig inte bara teorin. Vi har vidareutvecklat T-SQL kursen med fler praktiska övningar som ger dig det extra du behöver för att kunna lösa praktiska problemställningar och klara din certifiering.
  7. Du lär dig från de bästa. Våra instruktörer på T-SQL är de bästa i branschen och erbjuder en helt unik blandning av kunskap, praktisk erfarenhet och passion för att lära ut.

Är du redo för kursen? Ta ett KOSTNADSFRITT test för att mäta och utvärdera din kunskap.

Vad ingår?

Firebrand Training erbjuder kvalificerade kurs- och certifieringsprogram som inkluderar allt, är enkelt för kunden och utvecklat med fokus på de specifika behov som våra deltagare har. Vi säkerställer att alla detaljer tas om hand så att du helt kan fokusera på dina kunskaps- och certifieringsmål.

Våra kurs- och certifieringsprogram inkluderar allt med:

  • Praktiskt orienterad utbildning som använder vår unika metodik (Presentation|Övning|Diskussion)
  • Omfattande kursmaterial och labbmanualer – vi utvecklar traditionella kursmaterial för att motsvara de specifika krav som accelererad inlärning ställer.
  • Ett helt instruktörslett program med 24 timmars tillgång till klassrum, labbutrustning och instruktör
  • Boende, mat samt tillgång till kaffe, te, frukt och tilltugg under hela kursen
  • Transport till och från närmaste flygplats/tågstation före och efter genomförd kurs


Deltagare som med framgång genomför vår Microsoft - Writing Queries Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Transact-SQL kurs har följande förkunskaper:

  • Knowledge of data integrity concepts
  • Relational database design skills
  • Programming skills.

Är du redo för din Firebrand kurs?

Vi intervjuar alla potentiella deltagare om deras bakgrund, utbildning, certifiering och personliga inställning. Om du kommer igenom denna process så har du riktigt goda möjligheter att klara din certifiering.

Firebrand Training erbjuder en ambitiös utbildningsmiljö som förutsätter att du verkligen dedikerar dig till kursen. Ovanstående förkunskaper är endast vägledande, många deltagare med mindre erfarenhet men med en annan bakgrund eller kunskap har framgångsrikt genomfört sin utbildning hos Firebrand Training.

Om du funderar på huruvida du uppfyller rekommenderade förkunskaper vänligen ring oss på (0)8 44 68 27 85 och prata med en av våra utbildningsrådgivare som kan hjälpa dig.


Här är Firebrand Training recension avsnittet. Sedan 2001 har vi utbildat exakt 134.561 studenter och proffs och bett dem alla att recensera vår Accelerated Learning. För närvarande har, 96,41% sagt att Firebrand överträffade deras förväntningar.

Läs recensioner från avslutade accelereradekurser nedan eller besök Firebrand Stories för skriftliga och videointervjuer med våra tidigare alumni.

"The quality of training is very high and its useful to meet people who do similar roles and hear about their experience."
Stephen Rusanen, Delta-T Devices. (25/3/2013 (Måndag) till 26/3/2013 (Tisdag))

"This has been a very good course. Heaps of information and a well lead course. The Instructor has a very goo knowledge off SQL and I would recommend anyone to come on it. "
M.B. (25/3/2013 (Måndag) till 26/3/2013 (Tisdag))

"Excellent facilities, and beginner course for SQL, a quick way to get the basics to take back to the office."
Simon Lunn, Oldrids. (25/3/2013 (Måndag) till 26/3/2013 (Tisdag))

"Great course. The trainer was really nice and informative. Accommodation/training facilities were second to none. Would definitely recommend and would like to do more courses with Firebrand in the future!"
Simon Hook, VTUK. (25/3/2013 (Måndag) till 26/3/2013 (Tisdag))

"When I first entered the building I immediately felt comfortable. The course had a very intense workload, but there was not one point in which I never felt there wasn't support where required. All staff are welcoming and my tutor was excellent. I have taken so much from this short weekend course, which is going to benefit my skills for the very near future. I have truly enjoyed my time here learning skills which will help further my career. Kind Regards "
Joe Cornell, Move with Us. (3/3/2012 (Lördag) till 4/3/2012 (Söndag))







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